Service of Process Consulting

Client Name:  

Client's Address:  

Client's Phone:  

I appreciate the opportunity to assist you in navigating the Process of Service in your ongoing legal matter. This letter outlines the terms and conditions of our limited engagement to ensure a clear understanding of the scope of my involvement and the limitations on my responsibilities.

Scope of Work: My role is limited to providing consulting services related solely to the proper execution of Service of Process in your case to prevent dismissal on November 17, 2023. I will offer guidance and advice on the appropriate steps and requirements for serving legal documents in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Limitation of Responsibilities: I am not assuming the role of attorney of record in your case, and I will not be responsible for representing you formally or advocating on your behalf beyond the specified scope of work. I will not engage in any further legal actions or proceedings related to the case.

Liability Limitations: My liability is expressly limited to the provision of consulting services as described in this engagement letter. I am not liable for any consequences arising from actions taken or decisions made based on information provided during our consulting sessions. You are advised to consult with a qualified attorney for comprehensive legal representation as the case proceeds.

Confidentiality: I will maintain the confidentiality of any information shared with me during the course of our consultations, in accordance with applicable ethical and legal standards.

Fees: In consideration for my consulting services, you agree to compensate me at the rate of $250 per hour. I will keep detailed records of the time spent on your matter, and you will be billed accordingly. Payment is due prior to commencement of consultation.

Termination of Engagement: Either party may terminate this engagement upon written notice. In the event of termination, you will be responsible for payment of any fees incurred up to the termination date.

Please confirm your agreement to the terms outlined in this letter by signing below. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for entrusting me with this limited engagement. I look forward to assisting you in this specific aspect of your legal matter.

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Service of Process Consulting
lock iconUnique Document ID: 977f6230382a66c196d3a9f67388ac117382df53
Timestamp Audit
November 10, 2023 2:58 pm CDTService of Process Consulting Uploaded by Taren Marsaw - IP